Clear Braces at Hull & Coleman Orthodontics

Clear Braces

Nearly Invisible

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Clear brackets are a great choice for anyone who’d like to feel confident showing their smile during treatment and not just when their treatment is complete. At Hull & Coleman Orthodontics, we offer a number of virtually invisible options, including Lightforce Custom Braces and 3M Clarity Braces. Our Clarity brackets are made of a clear ceramic material, making them less noticeable on the teeth. They are designed to blend in with the natural color of the teeth and still give us the control we need to give you your best smile.

In addition to their cosmetic benefits, Clarity brackets are also designed to be comfortable for patients. The brackets have smooth, rounded edges that help reduce irritation to the gums and cheeks. They are also easy to clean and maintain, which can help promote good oral hygiene during treatment.

When you have your initial exam, you can find out about all our esthetic treatment options and make the choice that fits your life, work, or school activities.